Category: Enlightenment

  • Counting It All As Loss: The Faithful Choice of Carlton D. Pearson

    Counting It All As Loss: The Faithful Choice of Carlton D. Pearson

    Ever since it was announced that Bishop Carlton Pearson was ill, people have been commenting on the implications of his legacy in the Christian Church. There have been debates and panel discussions, Youtube personalities have been throwing out vitriolic commentaries and random people were wishing ill of him as if it was earning them some…

  • The Time to Shine is Always Now

    The Time to Shine is Always Now

    The time to shine is always now. If people are surprised to see me rapping now, there’s more to the backstory you don’t know. A lot of people don’t know this. But my mom was basically a part of early hip hop. She used to be called JoSi, The Queen of Rhymes and she had…

  • Ending Racism: How to Change the World in One Generation

    Ending Racism: How to Change the World in One Generation

    The other morning I was feeling the weight of trying to articulate possibilities in the face of polarities. I prayed for some guidance on how to reimagine some of the conversations we’re having on race. Next thing you know, I get this email from my new friend Justin Michael Williams inviting me to preview an…

  • A Tale of Three Sheep🐑

    A Tale of Three Sheep🐑

    Person A: “You’re a sheep.Person B: “No. You’re a sheep.” Person C: “Why are you calling each other sheep?” Persons A and B: “Because the only people I listen to who told me to think for myself told me that anyone who disagrees with me is a sheep.” Person C: So let me get this…

  • The Cleansing of the Multitudes (A Parable)

    The Cleansing of the Multitudes (A Parable)

    And it came to pass, that the Teacher had been giving instruction for about 2 hours when some of her apprentices came up to her and said, “Teacher, the people have come to us and said that they need a potty break. But they do not have any tissue or hand sanitizer. What should we…

  • A Friend in Need

    A Friend in Need

    They say a friend in need is a friend indeedOr is it a friend in deedMeaning a friend is one who acts as oneWhen another friend’s in need Or maybe it’s the former oneWe’re friends when we’re in wantBut otherwise we give no others thoughtJust to make it blunt But perhaps it is more gray…

  • The Comfort Paradox

    The Comfort Paradox

    The first time I heard the saying, “Afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted”, it was in seminary. I heard it from a cohort leader who said it in a way that led me to believe that she made it up. She never said she made it up. But, that was her response, when I…

  • The Journey and the Destination

    The Journey and the Destination

    If you google journey and destination quotes, you will likely come across plenty of words that express the idea that life is not about the destination but rather, it is about the journey. That wisdom sounds reasonable. Famed tennis legend Arthur Ashe said, “Success is about the journey and not the destination. The doing is…

  • Powerful Beyond Measure Part 3

    Powerful Beyond Measure Part 3

    It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. – Marianne Williamson I’m just going to come out and say it so I can get over it. I’ve got cowardice coursing through me. I am afraid of my light just as Marianne said. I don’t want it to be this way. I want…

  • Where Love Abides

    Where Love Abides

    How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuses help? – 1 John 3:17 This is a post that of myself I don’t want to write. In fact, I don’t even know what I am about to say. What I know is that I…